After a much needed and deserved break, I am back into the land of Beer and Cheese. I have also gotten all caught up on work (shows how important I am that it takes one morning to catch up on over a week of work) and am really glad to see that my humble page actually thrived while I was away, and now that I am back will undoubtedly sink back into the abyss that is anonymity. (Kidding, obviously I know that the Hirsch video was in high demand, and I happened to be a supplier).
Speaking of Mr. Hirsch, we no longer need to feel bad about hosting the video of his outburst, as he has been cleared to play this weekend in the Frozen Four. He also talked about why he was absent from the team here. I will only be happy if nobody wins it, but it is pretty nice to see 4 WCHA teams make the finals.
My trip was fantastic, I won't go into details but I did get to see the Crew play during the days I was in AZ, and got to see some quality women's hockey while I was in Denver. Barcelona (Scottsdale night club) was fantastic as always and the ladies in both Denver and Scottsdale remain incredible. All in all a great time.
I'll get caught up on news and events today and hopefully have more tomorrow if not tonight.