Thursday, June 23, 2005

Pissing Everyone Off

The Supreme Court managed an incredible feat today. They pissed off EVERYONE!

, Freepers, and the good folks at BBA.

I agree with alll of them. This is a terrible ruling that opens the door for a myriad of things.

The first thing I thought about, strangely, was City News and NOvelty in Waukesha. It was a porn store, and seemingly a fairly popular one. The city didn't want the strore downtown anymore so it kept hassling it and revoking permits and what not, until the store finally moved to a different location.

Now, if I am looking at this ruling correctly (and thats what it is, a ruling, not a "vote") then governments can simply buy a busniess because they don't like it. The "emminent domain" idea has been expanded greatly. Governments can take a porn store or strip club they don't like, and give that land to a puppy store or ballerina clothing factory.

A country with no stip clubs and porn stores? The Judges are NAZI's!

Obviously I am being a little facesious but you get the idea. This seems far too broad and far too "big gov't" for me. It's odd to see that the country (this will poll at like 80% against) will side overwhelming with Justices Thomas and Scalia.