Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Postitive outlook for Bush's SS plan?

Dick Morris has a compelling article in today's NY Post. He argues that the President's plan actually has a pretty good chance to get through, based on the will of the people (well, the will of the people under 50). It is nice to finally see someone (even if it is Morris) actually saying this impotant legislation has a shot. I will admit that some of the things I have been hearing are troubling (molasses slow phase in, mandatory annuities...) but all in all this plan must pass, the sooner the better for those of us in our early twenties.

Pollster Scott Rasmussen reports that support for private investment skews
dramatically by age group. Those aged 18 to 29 back it by 65 percent to 22
percent. Thirtysomething voters support it by 63-28; those in their 40s,
59-30. But voters between the ages of 50 and 64 oppose the
private-investment option by 49-41, and those over 65, by 63-27. So the
only voters who oppose private investment are those whom the reforms won't
touch. Those for whom the changes are real, generally support them...It is not
that these programs are likely to fail. Democrats fear them because they suspect
that they will succeed — that government-run Social Security will henceforth
only be for those so poor that they could not amass much in their retirement
accounts...Democrats will rant and rave. But they won't find any mass
constituency for their passion — and the program will pass. Bush could
still get shipwrecked by the cuts he proposes in benefits to avoid bankruptcy. But his privatization proposal should pass easily.